So no worries on that front, indeed the only Red-Tails left in another decade or so will be those in fish tanks … This fish is the perfect tiger barb tank mate because it won’t come into contact with your tiger barb, who will hang out in different areas of the tank. Read More. The goldfish is very popular with aquarists, primary because of their vibrant hues that light up any aquarium. This fish is the perfect tiger barb tank mate because it won’t come into contact with your tiger barb, who will hang out in different areas of the tank. Unlike corydoras, however, these fish can grow to massive lengths – some can be 20 inches or longer! Only growing to a maximum of two or three inches in length, platies can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, from 65 degrees all the way up to 78. Actually, five is preferable, but a trio is viable in most tanks. Matched aggression levels usually end up with far fewer problems. Feed them flake, make a tidy home environment for them, and they’ll thrive. Aug 12, 2019. e_watson09. Best Angelfish Tank Mates – Compatible List. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are my picks for the most popular fish species that will not only make good angelfish tank mates, but are also good community fish: 1. If you look around, you can find the right species for your tank. So, any fish which is kept with Tiger Barbs needs the following: The largest problem with Tiger Barbs is undoubtedly fin-nipping. They’re semi-aggressive on their own and don’t have flowing fins for the Barbs to attack. They’re curious little fish, and once acquainted with a tank will spend time using their modified ventral fins to see what’s going on. Tinfoil barbs are unique fish that look just like you might expect – like tinfoil! The other problem is feeding. Jeremy has twelve years of experience keeping freshwater and brackish aquaria. Tiger barbs will establish a pecking order by nipping and chasing. They are very aggressive and should be kept only by expert aquarists . The platy is another common species of fish. Choosing the right Tiger Barb tank mates is no easy task. While they’re not as fierce as their namesake, putting the wrong fish in with Tiger Barbs is a common problem among newbie aquarists. They just can’t catch them, but adding a Crayfish will limit your other options. Beware, Tiger Barbs don’t get along with every species, so knowing which fish species make the best tiger barb tank mates is crucial to ensure a safe and happy environment for your fish. They’ll become extremely aggressive with other fish after mating. They are shiny, silver, and absolutely gorgeous to look at. Freshwater Moray Eel Tank Mates. One of the most difficult decisions to make is what kind of fish will get along best with your tiger barb. The best way to keep aggressive behavior to a minimum is to keep them in a large tank. You have to consider a lot of things before you put a fish with koi in a tank. Try to avoid placing a breeding pair in the tank. It’s just a matter of research and buying… Who do you think will be keeping your Tiger Barbs company? Keeping Tiger … ... You should consider some of these fish species as tank mates for the Oscar fish in your tank. The astute will note the genetically altered Glofish are Zebra Danio. 8 Enchanting Types of Cory Catfish For Your Aquarium, 7 Types of Rasboras (A Handy Guide to These Fish). If you’re ready to include tiger barbs in your freshwater aquarium, you’re in luck – there are plenty of species for you to choose from as potential tank mates. Platies Tiger fish also prefer densely planted aquariums with several hiding places to which they can retreat. Tank mates. Toys for Pet Turtles: What Do Turtles Like to Play With? Tiger Barbs are a bit harder to pick companions for than most of the schooling fish found in stores. 250 gallon with a male dwarf gourami and 2 females along with other fish. A few may not have the tenacity to hang with Tiger Barbs, but I haven’t seen one yet! If you have a truly large school of Tigers, they’re your best bet to keep things tidy. This fish is an algae-eater, so it will feed mostly on the bottom of your tank. The rules for the arrangement of the aquarium are as follows: Aquarium – Choose from the calculation of 3 liters per individual. Easy to care for, this fish is a livebearer and is easy to breed as well. The only species which may not be suitable with Tiger Barbs are the Dwarf and Pygmy varieties, which are too small to compete with adult Tigers. ... Big Tanks, Big Fish, and Big Rich - Touring Ohio Fish Rescue - Duration: 19:42. Some of the most popular tetras are ember and neon tetras. Water Changes: Bi-weekly - Do a 30 - 50% water change every other week. Tiger barb fish should be kept in 20+ gallon tanks with plenty of plants and an open space for swimming. Once full-grown, they’re pretty much immune to any attempts by a Tiger Barb to harm them. These fish are MONSTER FISH that will grow to a very large size . The best way to do that? Many species listed above require different food than a betta. You can actually have that if you choose to use Black Ruby Barbs as a companion to the Tiger Barbs in the tank. When you are selecting the best tank mates for your tiger barb, you should think carefully about the advice we gave you above. Ibn addition, they can grow to over a foot in length, so a large tank is an absolute must. This is a schooling species, so a large group can help tone down the bad behavior. You should add them to a pre-established tank, rather than adding new fish to a Tiger Barb tank. Tiger Barb Tank Mates. These fish are livebearers, so keep in mind that if you keep multiple swordtails together, you will probably end up with quite a few fry. These barbs are extremely active fish. These similar-looking cyprinids are a welcome addition to any semi-aggressive tank hosting Tiger Barbs. Basically, they are compatible with docile tank mates. More Tank Mates That Can Live With Bettas Therefore, it can help keep your tank clean and will also look fantastic. From knowing what to feed your barb to deciding on the setup of your tank, it can be a true challenge when you are trying to figure out how to be a good fishkeeper. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the yo-yo is too active, so they can become a kind of irritant for calmer and slower aquarium … Keep in mind that some tiger barbs can be aggressive toward tetras, so you will want to keep a close eye on your individual fish to avoid any problems. Redtail shark requires a large tank that is of 29 gallons and requires a temperature of 72 degrees F and 79-degrees F. They’re tough, strong, and prefer to hang around the bottom of the tank. Although they are known for being peaceful, you will want to watch out for any aggression on the part of your Oscar fish. They’re a staple of the trade for a reason, and they’re very useful fish. Monitor tank mates closely for at least 72 hours or more. As a result, cold water fish will be out. They should not be kept with small fish, as they can become aggressive, but as long as your fish are at least five or six inches long you should have no problem. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Tiger barbs are fun fish to keep, and they are popular choices for aquariums because they add a great deal of liveliness and energy to the tank. You will need at least four bala sharks as they are a shoaling species. Here’s everything you need to know to select the best possible tank mates for your new tiger barb. Conclusion. Or standard Zebra Danio in some cases. Doing so will mitigate stress and other uncharacterized behavior. Otherwise, they can become very aggressive with their tank mate. My … The Tiger Barb isn’t the friendliest fish in the sea. That means they’re only suitable for larger tanks. Tiger shovelnose catfish are fairly large, which means they can easily injure (or even eat) other smaller fish. You don’t need to make any special preparations or pick out any fancy foods for them to be happy and healthy. In nature, they can even climb waterfalls. Some of these tendencies can be tempered (I’ll discuss this in a bit), and they can be housed together with other fish in a community aquarium. Yoyo Loach Tank Mates. However, it’s important that you give this fish at least two inches of deep substrate at the bottom of the tank. An easy to care for fish, it prefers cooler waters but can tolerate the lower range of the tiger barb’s preferred temperature range. The only “unusual” requirement is that the tank they’re in should be as long as possible. Tiger Barbs are a lively addition to any tank. If you aren’t sure where to start, you might want to consider these best tank mates for your new fish. They’re still cichlids, however, so they don’t fit in most peaceful tanks. Plecos are unique in that they prefer to be housed without members of their own kind – they are definitely non schooling fish. Crayfish make excellent cleaners in tanks that are 10 gallons and up, and they’re safe to house with Tiger Barbs. There are many fish and invertebrates that feel comfortable in small tanks . When kept in schools, Tiger Barbs tend to be less aggressive. You’ll find hacks and insight on common aquarium fish species such as betta, cichlids, tetras, guppies, danios, barbs, gouramis, goldfish, mollies, platies, killifish and more. Just makes sure you cut both into small pieces before feeding. However, unlike tiger barbs, all these fish are silver. Even better? Goliath Tiger Fish Pictures: a nice young 3" to 3.5" long Goliath Tiger Fish in one of our aquariums, when on of us snapped this picture. But you can select some of the tropical fish with koi as you are putting them in a tank, not in a pond. For a flock of 5 corydoras, a capacity of 10-15 liters is suitable. You need to plan carefully around tiger barbs. However, you need to make sure you select the best possible tank mates, as these fish have a tendency to nip the fins of long-finned fish species. Most tinfoil barbs need tanks of at least 75 gallons in size. When choosing the right tank mates for these fish the most important thing to remember is size and temperament. The African ~ is a fish that can grow to a particularly large size and as such it requires moderately experienced owners and a minimum tank size of 500 gallons. Not all great companions are fish. We have 8 tank mates for you to consider that a Tiger Barb gets along with. Don’t have a tank that is smaller than 25 gallons or you risk overcrowding your fish. Since female bettas are less aggressive and territorial than males, you’ll have more options when picking their tank mates. That also means any veil-tail or longfin variations of other fish are a no-go. The rosy barb is known to jump, so you will want to put a tight-fitting lid on your tank, too. It can tolerate temperatures of about 73 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit, which will also be perfect for your unique tiger barb. Platies Tiger barbs aren’t the most docile fish around, and in fact, they can be quite aggressive towards their mates and other fish. The cherry barb only grows to about two inches in length. When choosing the right tank mates for these fish the most important thing to remember is size and temperament. This is a WILD fish that is captured in Africa and shipped to us. Mollies are schooling fish that do best in groups, but you should keep only one male or perhaps lots of females. They’re extremely easy to care for, even for a catfish. Choosing Tank Mates For Goldfish. If the fish are more than 10, the volume of water has to be increased to 50 liters. There are over 700 different types of tetras, so you will have plenty to choose from in your hunt for the perfect fish. Red-tailed sharks are interesting fish that require large tanks but are otherwise great for your tiger barb tank. It has a temper which makes it not the best companion in an aquarium for other fish. Think about a sea of scintillating fish, with two schools of separate colors. This is due to a few things: So, you need a few desirable qualities in the fish you’re looking at. You may want to be careful about who’s opinion you take. While some will hunt down and kill any living creatures in their tank, others will gladly live in harmony with them. So, at first, you might think that kind of coloration in a fish is boring. Sailfin Plecos are another good option. These fish can eat a variety of pellets, live foods, frozen foods, and even flakes. Never add other aggressive fish species. That means they require quite a bit of space. Agassiz Cichlids are all peaceful dwarf cichlids. To buy fish for an aggressive freshwater aquarium, keep in mind that breeds like goliath tigerfish, vampire tetra, peacock bass, male paradise fish, and betta fish … Best Tank Mates For Betta Sororities In Large Aquariums. Dwarf Gourami can compete for food with the Barbs at the surface of the water, and otherwise, they just need the basics of a clean tank and substrate. Green Tiger Barb Barbs Puntius Tetrazona Tank Facts. Otherwise, these long fish -which can grow up to two feet in length – are great tank mates for your Oscar cichlid. Otherwise, you can feed these fish a varied diet with plenty of flakes or pellet foods as well as plants, live foods, and frozen foods. So, at first, you might think that kind of coloration in a fish is boring. If they are the first in the tank, the Barbs will see the new fish as intruders upon their territory. harlequin rasboras, tetras, and other small, peaceful fishes that can take strong water currents are ideal tank mates for hillstream loach. Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium & Fish Rescue 19,470 views However, if you have the room, they’re a fine fish to share the water with your Tiger Barbs. Many fish species will thrive with the goldfish, although you should be aware of the aquatic pets that will not make good tank mates. They range pretty widely in color, so make sure that you spend some time trying to find the right match. The water temperature they enjoy best is in the 75-82 degrees F range. These fish produce a lot of waste, so it’s recommended that you keep them in a tank with an excellent filtration system to prevent algae growth and other problems. So, consider these fish as suggestions, based on my own personal experience and knowledge. Clown Loaches have the size and temperament to deal with their Tiger Barb tank mates. Just follow the above guidelines, and you’ll do well in your choice. The abdomen is translucent, through it you can see the internal organs, the mouths are located below. However, it can be tough when you are just getting started with raising these fun-loving fish. Their care is identical to that of Tiger Barbs as well. The first thing to say is that they do better in larger groups - at least 10 of them. They can competently defend themselves against a Tiger Barb’s minor aggression as well. Food like bloodworms will be well received. Tiger fish also prefer densely planted aquariums with several hiding places to which they can retreat. Plecostomus have all of the desired qualities for a Tiger Barb companion. Tank size is the main issue, many people get them when they’re small, and they just keep growing. They have a peculiar body shape – it is flat, narrowed from below, with rounded fins. They’re one of the basic fish. So, consider these fish as suggestions, based on my own personal experience and knowledge. They’re even right or left-handed with their ventral fins; they’re about as close to hands as a fish gets. Keeping Tiger … For the most part, this stresses other fish out, so keep this in mind when considering tank mates. No fish with long fins should be kept with Tiger Barbs, regardless of their size. You will want to keep this fish in a group of at least six of it own kind. It does need a large tank -at least 20 gallons or more – but this is also the size that is preferred by your tiger barb. Some of the best tank mates for your 10 gallon tank would be fish which occupy the lower levels of the aquarium, such as small Loaches and Catfish. Being able to hold their own, and not chasing the Barbs, means they develop mutual respect quickly. They make for a popular choice in larger community choice due to their playful behavior and attractive looks. The colorful cherry barb is a popular choice in a tiger barb fish tank. Tiger shovelnose catfish are fairly large, which means they can easily injure (or even eat) other smaller fish. They’ll be able to safely interact with the Tiger Barbs for the most part, and they have a lot of personality despite their small size. Best Tank Mates For Betta Sororities In Large Aquariums. The Corydora catfish is a great addition to the freshwater tank. The betta is not a problem, if none of the ones i like are good to put in with my betta, I can keep him in his 2,5 gallon and have other fish in the 15 gallon, but if I can get any fish in there with it, that would be the best. The cherry barb is easy to care for, requiring minimal special care and living on a diet that is comprised mostly of fish flakes and occasional bloodworms or frozen brine shrimp. So when you get a Tiger Barb, you want to make sure that you have companions that it will get along with. As display fish, they really shine. You can pick brightly-colored or red fish for your aquarium if you want. While these fish are critically endangered in the wild, all of them currently in the pet trade are captive-bred. However, it’s important that you give this fish at least two inches of deep substrate at the bottom of the tank. Tiger fish are highly predatory and will attack and kill any tank mate that it considers prey. They’re not the easiest, but they make an amazing centerpiece in a community tank. Tiger Barbs are less likely to be aggressive with their tank mates if they are not the first ones in the tank. They are ideal for tanks 20-gallons and up and usually do well with betta fish. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose the best tank mates for your angelfish, and it is worth your time to learn as much as you can before bringing fish home. You need to keep aggressive behavior to a minimum s opinion you.! Them currently in the tank great splash of color things: so, at first, you will want consider. Length, so a large barb species that is captured in Africa and shipped to us sharp. Consider that a tiger barb, you will want to watch out for any 40 or! Since they can retreat right tiger barb dimorphic, which will also look fantastic should think carefully the. Snails for the most difficult decisions to make is what kind of fish silver. 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