So after serving for two consecutive periods, the president is not allowed to run for a third consecutive one, but may return for the two following elections and so on. 1860 wurde der Titel in die heutige Form umgeändert. Argentina is an independent state which occupies much of the southern part of South America. Secretary General. B. Guillermo O’Donnell 1994) ist so die Gewaltenteilung eingeschränkt. Notable Argentine Presidents of the New Millennium . Sign up to our newsletter Newsletter. The 757 entered in service in 1995 replacing the former T-01, a Boeing 707. COVID-19 Information Last updated: [01/26/2021] *** All airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. Diese Regelung wurde jedoch 1981 außer Kraft gesetzt. Diese dürfen nicht das Straf-, Steuer-, Wahl- und Parteirecht betreffen und müssen gemeinsam mit den zuständigen Ministern formuliert werden. Mr Mario MOCCIA. Der Präsident (offizieller Titel: Presidente de la Nación Argentina[1]) ist das Staatsoberhaupt, der Regierungschef sowie der Oberkommandant der Streitkräfte Argentiniens und damit der mächtigste Politiker der Exekutive des Landes. First time in the city . Due to political circumstances, this constitution never came into force, and the central power was dissolved, leaving the country as a federation of provinces. Prior to the 1994 constitutional reform, the President and Vice President were required to be Roman Catholics. Prensa Latina. ARG. The President must be a natural-born citizen of the country, or have been born to an Argentine citizen if born abroad. Presidents of Argentina: This video is part 2 of Leader of Argentina. The Supreme Directors became Heads of State after Independence was declared on 9 July 1816, but there was not yet truly a presidential system. This constitution did come into force, resulting in the election of the first President, Bernardino Rivadavia. Da Argentinien als Staat über ein starkes Präsidialsystem verfügt, hat der Präsident auch Eingriffsmöglichkeiten in die Legislative (Dekret, teilweise Vertretung des Kongresses in dessen Urlaubszeit) sowie in die Judikative (Ernennung der Bundesrichter, gemeinsam mit dem Senat). IFLA President’s Meeting 2019: Website Now Live! Current President Alberto Fernández was sworn into office on 10 December 2019. Emmanuel Macron La biographie et le portrait officiel du 8ème président de la Vème République, son rôle, son investiture.. Brigitte Macron Sa biographie et le portrait officiel, ses déplacements et rendez-vous, la charte de transparence.. Équipe du Président Le cabinet, les conseillers, l'État-major, les services de la Présidence de la République. The last to bear this title was Juan Manuel de Rosas, who in the last years of his governorship was elected Supreme Chief of the Confederation, gaining effective rule of the rest of the country. 1949 führte Juan Perón vorübergehend die unbeschränkte Wiederwählbarkeit des Präsidenten sowie dessen Direktwahl ein, dies wurde jedoch bereits 1955 nach seinem Sturz wieder zurückgenommen. The G20 will culminate in the Leaders’ Summit, which will be held in Rome on October 30th and 31st. Discover some of the amazing destinations of Argentina such as Bariloche, Cordoba, El Calafate, Mendoza, Iguazu, Ushuaia, Mar del Plata and any of our international destinations Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile, Montevideo, San Pablo. Sections 94 to 98 detail the electoral requirements. In 1930, 1943, 1955, 1962, 1966, and 1976, military coups deposed elected Presidents. Zwar war eine derartige Umgehung geltenden Rechts in der Verfassung von 1853 als Verrat am Vaterland (traición a la patria) bezeichnet worden, jedoch war die Bestrafung der jeweiligen Präsidenten nicht reglementiert. Because of the Cisplatine War, Rivadavia resigned after a short time, and the office was dissolved shortly after. In addition, all the requirements for becoming a Senator apply. Under the national Constitution, the President is also the chief executive of the federal government and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. It has a summer residence in the town of Chapadmalal, in the Buenos Aires Province, which is called the Presidential Unit Chapadmalal. Das gab es noch nie in der Geschichte der USA. US-ARGENTINE RELATIONS Argentina greets Biden’s inauguration with mixed messages President Alberto Fernández on Thursday sent his new United States colleague Joe Biden a congratulatory letter which contrasted in both cordiality and length with a terse Foreign Ministry statement the previous day. That doctrine was nullified by the constitutional reform of 1994, which added Article 36 (see below). Es grenzt im Osten an den Atlantischen Ozean, im Norden an Bolivien und Paraguay, im Nordosten an Brasilien und Uruguay; ihre jeweils … [8] Nach diesem Artikel ist er nicht nur Staatsoberhaupt und Regierungschef, sondern auch politisch verantwortlich für die Administration des Bundesstaates. [1] Wie in einem Präsidialsystem üblich hat er eine starke Stellung, die auch durch gesetzgebende Kompetenzen sowie Eingriffsmöglichkeiten in die Judikative erweitert wird. Weiterhin hat er das Recht, nach Bundesrecht Angeklagte zu begnadigen (Abs. Ab 1973 wurde der Präsident wieder per Direktwahl bestimmt, ebenfalls war eine einmalige Wiederwahl vorgesehen. History. Buenos Aires centralists) and federalists ensued in the following decades. In the news. If no candidate obtains the necessary votes to win in the first round, then the two candidates with the most votes compete in the second round, held two weeks later, when the candidate with the most votes in that round is elected president. 15). Following military coups that overthrew the constitutional government were de facto military presidents in 1930–1932, 1943–1946, 1955–1958, 1966–1973 and 1976–1983 that brought in addition to the powers of the president also corresponding to Congress. Submit. President Mauricio Macri had few options left. Bei der Verfassungsreform von 1994 wurde die Stichwahl im Fall des Nichterreichens der absoluten Mehrheit bei der Präsidentschaftswahl eingeführt und die Amtszeit auf vier Jahre verkürzt, dafür wurde die Möglichkeit einer einmaligen Wiederwahl geschaffen. The position of the current Argentine government is that military Presidents Jorge Rafael Videla and Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri were explicitly not legitimate presidents. Adoption of the Recovery Plan for Europe: a major step for the European Union. The Argentine Constitution (art. Bartolomé Mitre was the first president of the unified country, when Buenos Aires rejoined the Confederation. In this time, there was no central authority, and the closest to that was the Chairman of Foreign Relations, typically the Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires. On Wednesday, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak took part in a meeting of political advisers to the leaders of the "Normandy Four" held in the format of a video conference. First President: Bernardino Rivadavia, 1826. In Peróns Amtszeit fiel auch die Einführung des Frauenwahlrechts 1951. He succeeded Mauricio Macri.[2]. President 6 50px: Buenaventura Báez: 8 October 1856 13 June 1858 President 7 … Argentina, officially the Argentine Republic, is a federal republic in the southern portion of South America.Sharing the bulk of the Southern Cone with its neighbor Chile to the west, the country is also bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast, Uruguay and the South Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Drake Passage to the south. Free WiFi access is provided. Argentina . Die Regelungen sahen eine Amtszeit von 6 Jahren bei verbotener Wiederwahl vor. President Macron: "The purpose of today’s conference is to pool our resources to provide very practical responses to the needs of Beirut’s population" Statement by France's President of the Republic, Chair’s conclusions - International conference on support to Beirut and the Leban... 9 August 2020. President. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. 5), ausgenommen sind Verfahren bezüglich Amtsvergehen. The aircraft is nicknamed Virgen de Luján after Argentina's patron saint. In Argentina, President Mauricio Macri's election four years ago was a stunner. The status of earlier military presidents, however, remains more uncertain. Under the national Constitution, the President is also the chief executive of the federal government and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires is the official workplace of the President and the Quinta de Olivos their official residence; he or she is entitled to use its staff and facilities. Appoints and removes ambassadors, ministers plenipotentiary and business with the Senate; alone appoints and removes the chief of cabinet ministers and other cabinet ministers, the officers of his Secretariat, consular agents and employees whose appointments are not otherwise regulated by this Constitution. Active in resistance to British invasion in 1806, he also supported the 1810 movement for Selection of newspapers and online news in Argentina - newspapers, business news, entertainment, TV stations and portals So wurden die Präsidenten zwischen 1853 und 1910 von einer Wahlmännerversammlung (Wählerkolleg) gewählt, die wiederum vom Volk gewählt wurden, dabei war die Wahl nicht geheim, sondern musste vor den Wahlbeamten entweder mündlich oder schriftlich dargelegt werden. Le président de l’Argentine, Alberto Fernández, a pris la parole : le 17 novembre, il a présenté au Congrès un projet de loi visant à légaliser l’avortement. L’Argentine est le premier pays d’Amérique latine à autoriser le vaccin russe sur la base des résultats des tests de phase 3, selon un communiqué du Fonds russe d’investissements directs qui a participé au financement des recherches pour la mise au point de ce vaccin russe. In the absence of both the President and the Vice President, the succession is regulated by the Law 20,972 ("Acephaly Law"). Although one of his country’s ablest leaders, he was unable to unite the warring provinces or to control the provincial caudillos (bosses). SANTIAGO Argentine President Alberto Fernandez received an injection of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine on … The President must also be at least 30 years old. IFLA’s President, Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, will host her second President’s Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 23 May 2019. Italy assumed the G20 2021 Presidency on the 1 December 2020 During Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández administration AAP used different aircraft for their global flights, most notably Boeing 747 loaned from Aerolíneas Argentinas and a private Bombardier Global 5000[7]. Argentina . Le Royaume Uni annonce le déminage complet des Iles Malouines. The current Presidential fleet also includes two Fokker F28 (T-02 and T-03) (one always in service) and Learjet 60 (T-10). The Argentine Association is the oldest in South America and one of the oldest to be formed outside Europe.In 1906 Florencio Martínez de Hoz became the first Argentine-born president of the association. We assist the President of the Argentine Republic and the Chief of Cabinet in all matters related to economic, budgetary and fiscal policy; in the administration of public finance; and in the economic, financial and fiscal relations with the Provinces and the City of Buenos Aires. However, unlike the President of the United States, in Argentina, a person may be reelected again after serving for two terms and staying out of office for the following term. In Ausnahmefällen darf er weiterhin den Ausnahmezustand (estado de sitio) verhängen, in dem einige entscheidende Grundrechte außer Kraft gesetzt werden. Beim Putsch 1966 kam es dann zu einer grundlegenden Änderung, als Juan Carlos Onganía als erster auch die Legislative für sich beanspruchte, damit die Kompetenzen des verfassungsgemäßen Präsidenten weit überschritt und so einer Diktatur nahekam. First constitutional President of Argentina. For this reason the constitutional reform of 1994 included Article 36 which says:[8]. The President of Argentina (Spanish: Presidente de Argentina), officially known as the President of the Argentine Nation (Spanish: Presidente de la Nación Argentina), is both head of state and head of government of Argentina. News from Argentina and beyond – in English. Send. She succeeded her husband Nestor Kirchner who was in office from 2003 to 2007. These early attempts at self-government were succeeded by two Triumvirates and, although the first juntas had presidents, the King of Spain was still regarded as Head of State (as independence had not yet been declared), and the executive power was still not in the hands of a single person. These Viceroys were seldom natives of the country. This commission shall submit its report within ten days to the plenary of each House for its specific treatment, they immediately considered the Chambers. Die Ausdehnung von Norden nach Süden beträgt 3694 km, die von Westen nach Osten an der breitesten Stelle circa 1423 km. She succeeded her husband, Nestor Kirchner, who had served as president from 2003 to 2007. 88) entitles the National Congress Assembled to select a new president from among the current Senators, Deputies and Governors, within the following two days of the death or resignation of the former president, and to provide him or her with a mandate to call for elections. Selection of newspapers and online news in Argentina - newspapers, business news, entertainment, TV stations and portals Er hat, obwohl es ihm nicht gestattet ist, eigene Gesetze zu verabschieden, die Möglichkeit, wenn „Ausnahmebedingungen“ die normalen Wege zur Gesetzgebung über den Kongress unmöglich machen, die Möglichkeit Dekrete auszusprechen (Abs. The President of China and his spouse Peng Liyuan wished a speedy recovery to President Armen Sarkissian, and his wife Nouneh Sarkissian. On Sunday, crowds gathered at Alberto’s election headquarters to celebrate the 60-year-old’s victorious candidacy. Coty is a global beauty company making cosmetic, skin, fragrance & hair brands. They and their immediate successors were denied the right to a presidential pension after the conclusion of their terms. In den Zeiten, in denen der Kongress sich im Urlaub befindet, übernimmt er einige Kompetenzen des Senats und des Repräsentantenhauses, wie die Ernennung von Beamten und die Intervention in den Provinzen. A new appointment, the same consent, it is necessary to keep in under any of those judges, once they reach the age of seventy-five years. 98). The Tango 01 757 has been an object of political contention for the last decade (and a political campaign hot-topic during the 1999 Presidential election), with many politicians and media commentators[who?] It provides that the Executive Power must be temporarily exercised (without assuming the title of President) by the provisional President of the Senate; in his absence, by the President of the Chamber of Deputies; and in the absence of both, by the President of the Supreme Court. After the 1966 military coup, the rulers shortened the presidential term to four years, but there was a period of political instability during these terms, which had led to the situation that they were never completed. Weiterhin ernennt er die Führungsbeamten in den Streitkräften in Friedenszeiten mit Zustimmung des Senates, in Kriegszeiten ohne diese Zustimmung. Auch bei den sogenannten ministros plenipotenciarios (bevollmächtigte Minister) und Beauftragten für bestimmte Handelsgeschäfte bedarf die Ernennung und Entlassung der Zustimmung des Senats. Die Kompetenzen des Präsidenten sind im Artikel 99 der Verfassung geregelt. Find out more on the dedicated website. Bernardino Rivadavia, first president of the Argentine republic. Former Cabinet Chief Alberto Fernández of Frente de Todos defeated incumbent president Mauricio Macri of Juntos por el Cambio, exceeding the threshold to win the presidency in a single round. Die Wahlen finden innerhalb der letzten beiden Monate der Amtszeit des aktuellen Präsidenten statt. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. [2], Präsident und Vizepräsident Argentiniens werden direkt vom Volk in freier, geheimer, gleicher und obligatorischer Wahl gewählt. Weiterhin ist der Präsident in die Gesetzgebung eingebunden. In order to win the election in the first round, the winning candidate's party must receive either more than 45 percent of so-called "positive votes," or votos positivos (Section 97) or at least 40 percent of positive votes and be more than 10 percentage points ahead of the next most-voted candidate (Section 98). Argentinien hat eine Fläche von 2,78 Millionen km² und ist damit nach Brasilien der zweitgrößte Staat Südamerikas. Argentina has a large fiscal deficit, having recently experienced an economic downturn, which may pose a challenge to a market entrant. Cristina Fernadez became the first female to be elected as president of Argentina, and she served in the role from 2007 until 2015. 99 Abs. Da die Legitimität durch die Wahl hierbei nicht gegeben war, bezeichnete sich dieser als provisorischer Präsident (presidente previsional, also als Interimspräsident). Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Argentine lawyer and Peronist politician who in 2007 became the first female elected president of Argentina, serving until 2015. Attends regular sessions of Congress, or convokes extraordinary sessions when a serious interest order or progress requires. Après des années et… » 16.11.2020. Argentina has an active portfolio of 22 investment projects with USS6.2 billion in committed loans, a guarantee for US$466 million and two grants for an amount of US$10 million. As helicopters, a Sikorsky S-70 (H-01pic) and two Sikorsky S-76 (H-02pic and H-03pic) also make-up the fleet, with an additional Air Force Bell 212, as needed. 1930 kam mit José Félix Uriburu zum ersten Mal ein Politiker in der Moderne über einen Putsch in das Amt. Recognition Date. Argentina is rich in resources, has a well-educated workforce, and is one of South America's largest economies. Aktueller Amtsinhaber ist Alberto Fernández. This power was vested in one man when the position of Supreme Director was created by the 1813 National Assembly. The first elected president under the constitution was Justo José de Urquiza, but Buenos Aires seceded from the Argentine Confederation as the State of Buenos Aires. In Bezug auf die Judikative ernennt der Präsident die Richter des Obersten Gerichtshofes (Abs. In case of the permanent absence of both the President and the Vice-President, due to resignation, death, or removal, the Constitution (art. Bei Tod, Krankheit, Abwesenheit aus der Hauptstadt, Rücktritt oder Absetzung des Präsidenten übernimmt der Vizepräsident die Amtsgeschäfte. Grant pensions, retirements, pensions and licenses under the laws of the Nation. As of 2015, the President and Vice President enjoy a salary paid by the National Treasury, which can not be altered during the period of their appointment. Adresse: Argentina Embassy in Berlin, Germany, Kleiststrasse 23-26, 10787, Berlin, Germany; Telefon: (+49) 30 22 66 890; Fax: (+49) 30 22 91 400 [citation needed]. Liste der Präsidenten Argentiniens seit der Unabhängigkeit des Landes.. An der Spitze der Vereinigten Provinzen des Río de la Plata stand zunächst 1810–1814 eine Junta, dann 1814–1820 ein Director Supremo. MARTA GABRIELA MICHETTI ILLIA, Vice-President of Argentina, voiced solidarity with the people of Mexico following its recent earthquake, stressing: “The environment and the forces of nature are speaking to us.” Her country was moving towards zero poverty and had just presented its first voluntary national review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. President Zuzana Čaputová gave a speech at a conference for lawyers at Kroměříž in the Czech Republic on Tuesday 8 September 2020.In her speech, the president recalled that a few years ago she had stood in the same place making a speech as a lawyer and analyst concerned with the professional... Spravodlivosť Read more. 25 january 2021, 12:00; Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the meting with the servicemen in Shusha 15 january 2021, 11:40. It also … Argentina could legalize abortion tomorrow, but the headcount nears total parity, with a tiebreaker potentially falling to Cristina Kirchner. Appoints the other judges of the lower federal courts according to a binding three candidates proposed by the Judiciary Council, with the Senate, in public session, in which the suitability of candidates will be considered. Dabei muss er beachten, die Grundsätze dieser Gesetze nicht zu verändern (Art. Book at & enjoy free cancellation up to 1 day before check-in. Argentina's lower house passes bill to allow abortion Published: 11 Dec 2020 'I represent a breaking of the binary', says transgender professional footballer Mara Gómez – video President Alberto Angel Fernandez Head of Government: President Alberto Angel Fernandez Overview Government Name: Argentine Republic Constitution: Adopted: 1853; This is one of the primary sources of existing law in Argentina and discusses declarations, rights, and guarantees; form of government; and divisions of government powers. Enjoy the fares offered by Aerolíneas Argentinas and visit the destination of your choice. Verträge und Vereinbarungen mit anderen Ländern oder internationalen Organisationen werden durch den Präsidenten gegengekennzeichnet. The office of Vice President was established by the 1853 Constitution for the purpose of providing a succession in case the President is unable to complete their term via death, resignation or removal from office. This constitution gave the Supreme Director the power of appointing Governors of the provinces. There is no limit for a person to be a candidate if he or she does not win the elections. Oversees the performance of the duties of the Chief of the Ministerial Cabinet as regards the collection of the revenues of the Nation and its investment in accordance with the law or budget of national expenditures. In 1852, Rosas was deposed, and a constitutional convention was summoned. The president of Argentina is both the head of government and state. Fernandez studied law, as did her husband, at the University of La Plata, and the two were … News in brief 12-15 round-up: Airport closures and political fights . 26 january 2021, 14:00; Ilham Aliyev received Iranian Foreign Minister. Legislative power is vested in the National Congress.The Judiciary is independent from the Executive and from the Legislature. News from the National Olympic Committee . This stipulation was abolished in 1994. Diese Tradition lebte auch bei späteren Putschen fort. This constitution, still in force, established a national federal government, with the office of the President. In August 2016, then-Secretary of State John Kerry launched a High-Level Dialogue with Argentina to serve as a mechanism to ensure sustained engagement. Die Bestimmungen zur Wahl des Präsidenten machten im Laufe der Zeit auch wegen des sich ständig wandelnden Demokratieverständnisses starke Wandlungen durch. The president of Argentina (Spanish: Presidente de Argentina), officially known as the President of the Argentine Nation (Spanish: Presidente de la Nación Argentina), is both head of state and head of government of Argentina. Der erste Politiker Argentiniens, der den Titel „Präsident“ trug – noch ohne verfassungsrechtliche Grundlage – war Bernardino Rivadavia zwischen 1826 und 1827, dessen Amtszeit aber nur kurz währte, da zu dieser Zeit der Konflikt zwischen Unitariern und Föderalisten in vollem Gange war und die lose argentinische Konföderation Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata mehrmals auseinanderbrach und in ihre einzelnen Bundesstaaten oder Provinzen aufgeteilt wurde. Zieht eines von diesen seine Kandidatur zurück, gilt das verbleibende Kandidatenduo als Sieger, das drittplatzierte rückt also nicht nach (so geschehen 2003 bei der Wahl von Néstor Kirchner). Argentine president receives Russian-made COVID-19 vaccine. Boasting a sauna and a fitness center, Hotel Presidente Buenos Aires offers accommodations in a classic building next to the 9 de Julio and Córdoba avenues, only a few blocks from the Obelisk and Florida Street. Each term is four years, and the president can serve for two consecutive terms, but unlike in other countries, a former president is eligible to run after staying out of office for at least one term. Outgoing Argentina's president Mauricio Macri and his wife Juliana Awada attend his farewell rally in Buenos Aires, where is greeted by hundreds of cheering supporters. Die Amtszeit eines Präsidenten beträgt vier Jahre, eine einmalige Wiederwahl ist möglich. Ministry of Economy. During the same period they may not hold any other office nor receive any other emolument from the Nation or from any province. 2). Name * Email * Subscribe to * Guided tours . The President of the Argentine Nation (Spanish: Presidente de la Nación Argentina), usually known as the President of Argentina (Spanish: Presidente de Argentina), is both head of state and head of government of Argentina. President of the Republic of Argentina Balcarce 50, CP 1064 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina. In 1966 and 1976, the federal government was undertaken by a military junta, where power was shared by the chiefs of the armed forces. The subsequent analysis of the validity of their actions led to the subsequent formulation of the doctrine of de facto governments. With an area of 2,780,400 km², it is the 8th largest country in the world and the second-largest country in South America (after Brazil).Compared, it is slightly larger than five times the size of France, or about four times the size of the US state of Texas. 3). In 2019 she returned to office as vice president. To move the president uses aircraft that are part of the Presidential Air Group: The main aircraft is a Boeing 757 known as Tango 01 after its military registry: "T-01" (the "T" stands for "Transport", although it is fortuitously pronounced "Tango", as in the Argentine national dance, in the NATO alphabet). Der Vizepräsident die Amtsgeschäfte crowds gathered at Alberto ’ s victorious candidacy Aliyev the. 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