Read these 10 tips to improve morale in the workplace and ask a colleague or supervisor if the tips are possible to implement. Make Business Results Transparent. You're not delusional and you're definitely not a weirdo. Humans experience stressors every day. 14 Simple Strategies to Boost Workplace Morale 01. Here are 20 proven ways to get the ball rolling: How many times have you been to a company outing that missed the mark? It is an entertaining way to relax and find out who can write the best song or chant. Have a daily huddle. Even small decisions can have unintended consequences for your employee morale. Consider putting aside money for professional development programs and to reimburse employee tuition toward academic degrees. We all work hard every day. Brainstorm ways to incorporate regular feedback into the life of your office. Research suggests that only one in five people take lunch breaks and that white-collar workers are least likely to step away from their desks for a break. Just as employees are hesitant to step away from their desks for lunch, they often shy away from vacation time despite its potential to boost morale. But that doesn’t mean you... 03. Providing leadership in tough times can put a team back on track. That’s more true now than ever! Employee Morale Boosters: 25 Ideas Your Staff Will Love 1. Around February of the next year, I found out that I had developed Lupus as a result of the medicine I was on to treat my Crohn's disease. When a blizzard, flood, or hurricane rolls into town, be especially cognizant of employee safety, and when necessary, let workers stay home. Fill it with quotes, jokes, activities, and other fun things that they can do to get a quick morale boost and motivation to continue with a productive work day. Be clear about opportunities to grow, not just during recruitment but on a regular basis. When employees experience significant life events such as loss, they can feel isolated in a culture of nonstop celebration. At this time three years ago, I received my first of many diagnoses: Crohn's disease. Hearing feedback about myself allows me to consider what my strengths are and what I need to improve upon. They're the kind of characters that make you want to yell at the writer, "what the hell were you thinking with this one?" Encourage and Host Virtual Social Time. We all work hard at our jobs — whatever it is we do. Yes, we all work positions in which we do not want to show up every day. Quit smoking? We asked HR practitioners, via the SHRM Connect online community and LinkedIn, to share their ideas for easy, affordable ways to boost morale in the work … Embark on a … For our workers who have never worked from home, social isolation is deeply felt. 10 Creative Tips To Boost Workplace Morale At Your Job, 10 Thoughts Every Student Has Had During Online Classes, 11 TV Characters Who Are Irritating BEYOND Belief, 20 Songs You Should REALLY Add To Your Winter Playlist, As Someone With A Chronic Condition, My Quarantine Silver Lining Has Been Being Able To Put My Health First, 30 Small Ways To Improve Your Mental Health Every Day This Month, Yes, Olivia Rodrigo Is The One Artist To Add To All Your Playlists In 2021, Believe In What You Pray For, And Trust The Process, Because Everything Will Happen, When It Happens. Ways To Boost Employee Morale. These examples and more deserve recognition. Include these quotes in employees’ paycheck, birthdays can help them feel a part of the team. Employee morale describes the overall outlook, attitude, satisfaction, and confidence that employees feel at work. Email not only drags on employees' productivity, it wears on well-being by increasing stress and requiring high levels of reactivity. Tip: Remove all water bottles and trash to make yourself more organized! In fact, 92 percent of employees experience a spike in blood pressure and heart rate after reading an email in the office. To maintain employee morale among a new generation of employees, you need to emphasize the viability of your promotional tracks. Giving colleagues a few moments to reflect can bring positive change to a work environment. For the majority of these songs, I can't really explain why, but they remind me of winter. Playing games leads people to compromise, meet others' needs, and work together as a team. Make communication easy by setting up video conferencing and instant messaging platforms across your company (that is, if you don’t Slack everything already). What better way to introduce coworkers, inspire camaraderie, and boost employee morale than to have them learn from one another. The return to a clean space may just be the spark you need to instantly improve morale. Employees feel valued when their feedback is taken into consideration. Tie yourself down to your chair and grab a glass of Prosecco because this is about to blow your little, perplexing mind. If your team works from home, then you can allow group members to set an away message and catch some z’s. You can still recognize personal milestones and losses while respecting privacy -- even a simple note from you would do. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. Anyone at work run a marathon? These motivational quotes are a great way to jazz up a memo, newsletter, banner for the website. There are many simple, yet powerful, techniques you can use to instantly boost employee morale. On the flip side, if an employer surveyed me and asked what I think needs improvement, I would provide honest and solid feedback. But not everything in life will go detail to detail of how you pictured it, but if you just drop the expectations and go with the flow you'll experience a much more fulfilled life vs planning everything. Have a conversation with your staff about the best way to honor work anniversaries. Instead, increase vacation days and add a bonus for employees who truly take a time-out -- no work email, no phone calls, no laptop on the beach. The key to staying connected while working remotely is to spend time with your staff. Watch the snow gently falling out your window and put these songs on to get in the winter mood. Instead of utilizing email for all communication, integrate software like Trello, Asana, and Slack to lessen or completely negate its impact. This aromatic option is one of the easiest ways to boost employee morale during the holidays while also boosting their productivity. 16. One day in March, everything shut down and we all had to learn how to work, teach, study, do therapy, and take classes remotely without much preparation. Spreading positivity in the workplace can boost morale and relieve some stress employees may be feeling. Too much choice is restrictive and confusing." Keep them happy by implementing ideas from this list. Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook3. 3 Ways to Boost Employee Morale at Work. Boosting employee morale isn’t just a fad; it’s an important driver in the success of your workplace. No matter where you are, you’re never far from great volunteer opportunities. Empower employees with time-management training and peer support, as well as clear boundaries around office hours. In fields such as finance, law, and medicine, young staffers are expected to put in heavy hours. The workplace should be an area where hard working people come together and accomplish their goals. 25 Low Cost, Creative Ideas to Improve Morale, Enhance Productivity, and Make Your Workplace More Fun! To recap: public recognition is a no-fail way to boost employee morale. 12 Ways to Help Boost Team Morale. Let's be clear about ONE THING. Ace a final exam? Here are ten ideas to boost the morale of your team and bring as much normalcy to the current situation as possible: Schedule regular virtual meetings to check-in on each other. This is a fun way for co-workers to collaborate and create something that belongs to their company, branch, or department. Morale can have a major spike when colleagues are given a chance to relax and take their minds off the job. Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. 1. 1. As an alternative to an awful and extended commute, chances are employees will be more productive during a snow day at home than they would in the office. Those people have the greatest leverage to model morale-boosting habits. It gives them little glimpses into each other’s home lives, which helps people feel more connected. The best way to combat feelings of isolation and increase morale is by keeping employees connected. Have you ever been watching your favorite show, all comfortable and relaxed, and then that one character that you just can't stand pops up on the screen and ruins your mood? Also, it provides a chance for co-workers to know each other a little better. The few hours of lost work will result in an increase in productivity and employee gratitude, which benefits the company in the long run. It could... 2. 17 Ways to Boost Employee Morale During COVID-19 That Aren’t Happy Hours Fancy Dress Fridays. I never thought I'd hear the words "your diseases are under control," but I have, all thanks to quarantine. Now, Olivia Rodrigo's debut single, "drivers license," is taking the charts by storm. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Don't lose your best employees. Activities for employees to boost teamwork and cooperation don’t have to be dull and repetitive – implement some of the following fun-filled suggestions into your next team event to help make teamwork and cooperation amongst coworkers an enjoyable prospect. Stay connected. Knowing how to increase employee morale is a great step to improve productivity, overall worker satisfaction, and teamwork in your … Be open and transparent about communication. Despite the appearance of productivity, this marathon-approach to work weighs on well-being and doesn't necessarily increase results. Whether it’s a “bring your kids to work day,” or simply an open invitation for significant others at your next happy hour, including families helps employees see a more human side of each other. Promote weekly incentives. Companies like Adobe, Deloitte and Kimpton Hotels have adopted sabbaticals as a way to increase quality of life and encourage retention among employees. Opening your doors to children, spouses, parents, and siblings connects professional and personal worlds. Gift a Cup of Holiday Cheer A 2015 Gallop Survey on coffee consumption discovered that, “Just under two-thirds of U.S. adults drink at least one cup a day.” And while you're at it, make sure to celebrate your company's birthday. Family is one of the most important aspects of people's lives. Personally, whenever I pray or meditate, I feel rejuvenated and ready to face the next challenge. Also note that a lenient inclement weather policy is particularly important to employees with young family, as childcare options are rarely available when schools close. Eradicate email.. Email not only drags on employees' productivity, it … 1. Taking some time to participate in non-work related activity can be a good opportunity to take everyone's mind off the stresses of work. 10. Instead of playing "the trust game," encourage employees to lead voluntary workshops or exercises in an area they are knowledgeable about -- an avid outdoorsmen could plan a kayaking trip or a top-notch baker could teach people how to bake a new recipe. As a quick morale boost­er, con­sid­er imple­ment­ing reg­u­lar sports days for your employ­ees. Diffuse a competitive environment by incorporating humor and play. 20 Creative Ways to Boost Employee Morale 1. A 2013 Harvard Business School study found that giving clear, unconditional, and unexpected financial gifts to employees leads to higher productivity. 37. Try incorporating fun office events into your workplace to boost morale and inspire enthusiasm after teams accomplish milestones or finish big projects. No doubt, families will feel pride upon seeing the work of your employee in their natural habitat, garnering appreciation and a shared sense of connection. Studies reveal that a key employee's exit can cost between 70 and 200 percent of the individual's compensation. It’s true that your employees are paid to do their jobs. High morale is a sure fire way to increase productivity. Not only will it boost employees' achievements and self-esteem, it will empower your company with a competitive workforce. Forty percent of millennials expect promotions every one to two years. It's a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your mission while generating good feelings. With high costs accompanying low morale, it pays to invest in a positive community and individual satisfaction -- they can go a long way to improving your company and its numbers. Try and implement these tips at your job and note the difference in your work environment. Get your team out of the office occasionally for a totally unique and different activity, like volunteering for a day at Habitat for Humanity. Acknowledging personal achievements is a great way to show the support that co-workers deserve. When employees are positive about their work environment and believe that they can meet their most important career and vocational needs, employee morale is positive or high. There are no bad ideas and brainstorming can lead to anything. Simply showing we appreciate hard work can create a more productive environment. The options are endless! Unconditional gifts can revolutionize your employee morale. You're not crazy. Maybe they never really did anything seriously wrong, but oh my god they are annoying af. If you've ever had or experienced anything of these things, you're probably the next Long Island Medium, or you're just simply a highly spiritual DIVA. If you or your colleagues have low morale at work, give these 10 tips a try. When you have low morale, it can lead to poor concentration, low productivity and higher turnover – all of which negatively impact your business. If you're tuned into your workplace, you can tell when employees exhibit the subtle and not-so-subtle symptoms of low morale: eye rolls, high turnover rates, fewer employee conversations, decreased collaboration, and diluted performances. Executive coach Rodger Dean Duncan describes jerks as those who "intimidate, condescend, or demean, swear, behave rudely, belittle people in front of others, give only negative feedback, lie, act sexist or racist, withhold critical information, blow up in meetings, refuse to accept blame or accountability, gossip, and spread rumors, use fear as a motivator, etc.". You may know her from the Disney+ show, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, or from her song, "All I Want," from its popularity on TikTok. Online classes and virtual reality in general have been the staple of 2020. 10 Creative Tips To Boost Workplace Morale At Your Job 1. Meme Channels. The only way to make sure you’re headed in the right direction is to track and continuously work on keeping positivity up. Tie yourself down to your chair, or your toilet, and grab a glass of Prosecco because this is about to blow your little, feeble mind. The best team-building exercises will overturn organizational structures and allow individuals to explore their own strengths. Google, for example, uses a survey called Googleist to elicit feedback from employees on a wide swath of issues. Fun Christmas or Halloween decorations can put anyone in a good mood when they arrive to work. Work anniversaries are relationship milestones between an employee and a company. At When I Work, we use a tool called TinyPulse. Add a Ping-Pong table to the break room, bring in a karaoke machine once a month, or even encourage a small group to undertake an art project for the office. Instead of putting your HR team in charge, ask for anonymous nominations for a company-wide outing -- then let your team vote for their favorites. Imagine the positive impact you would have giving a big bonus to a single mother supporting a family or a young professional paying off student loans? Learn how to boost your employees’ morale, engagement and productivity during COVID-19 by addressing their biggest concerns and challenges! When working remotely, employees need to know that their manager and senior leaders are still there for them should they have issues and need someone to help them through. Presenting the workplace with an opportunity to share ideas and opinions is crucial to teamwork and morale. Praise your employees often. It then recruits volunteer groups to tackle issues and solve the company's biggest problems. Starbucks is leading this trend, having just expanded their employee tuition reimbursement plan in partnership with Arizona State University. This tip is especially helpful around the holidays. Seeing as how 78 percent employees spend more time with co-workers than they do with family, a supportive community will go along way to fostering happiness. If you see any of these signs, or other troubling changes in behavior among your workforce, here are four actions you can take to help boost … We all work hard at our jobs — whatever it is we do. Cake is great, but instead, give your employees the ultimate birthday boost: an extra day off to spend whenever and however they like. Here are some tips to help you create a work environment that can play a part in improving employee morale and attracting and retaining the top talent. Motivational quotes like these are a perfect way to give employees that boost in the workplace. These characters aren't necessarily evil or horrible people, but they do have personalities that make them incredibly irritating. When your workforce is dispersed, it’s especially important to keep your employees engaged. Mentorship programs allow employees to meet executive-level professionals, acquire new skills, and learn about different departments. What's the easiest way to boost morale? Employee anxiety and stress are peaking. A posture of openness gives employees permission to contribute to positive change. Arrange a … Management professor Kimberly Elsbach told NPR that “staying inside, in the same location, is really detrimental to creative thinking.” Get managers on board to take a coffee break, go for a walk or check out a new restaurant every day. Eligible employees can work toward their degrees remotely while working at the coffee giant. Group Volunteer Opportunities. Employees often feel overwhelmed. Giving that sense of energy to the workplace can build stronger bonds and teamwork. To make the job easier for you, here is our compilation of 9 great tips to boost morale and increase your business productivity in the long run. So, it's been a roller-coaster experience, and definitely not what we expected. Here are 5 ways you can boost employee morale during the Coronavirus pandemic: Virtual Team Bonding. As a manager, you perceive your company much differently than your... 02. If you're looking to add some songs to your winter playlist, give these ones a listen. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. According to a survey from Globoforce, 82 percent of people would feel good if people noticed and recognized their work anniversary, but only 36 percent of people say a work anniversary made them feel valued. Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. Praise colleagues and subordinates. Get accepted to grad school? Track the pulse of employee morale. When employees have low moral it can be hard to be productive. Putting on a brave face shows that any situation is under control. It could be a gift card, iPhone utilities, movie tickets, a holiday raffle, or some perks in the workplace. Identifying their efforts could brighten their day. Create opportunities to celebrate and have some fun with your employees, like a company potluck … Co-workers like to hear praise from others. Let go of the jerks -- weeding out this kind of behavior among upper management can have an even greater impact on employee morale than raises or promotions. Toilet paper and Netflix memes are very popular right now. This one is a little cheesy, but come on, who doesn't like cheesy? Do one task every day to improve your mental health! Every team contributes to … 44.Caught Ya In The Act This is a fun and engaging why to keep everyone talking and giving encouragement. Low morale is a prime reason for high turnover, low productivity and larger rates of absenteeism in a company. Respond as you would to a friend, with kindness and consideration. However, a job can especially produce stress. Maybe it's their slow pace, their magical synth sounds, or their melancholy lyrics, but all of these songs give me winter vibes. When we strive to become better than we are, then everything around us becomes better as well. If your company enjoys partnerships with other organizations, consider asking them to offer a mutual discounts on services for your and their employees. Take care of your team members by sending a private, personal note to let them know you see and support them. Decorating is a fun way to make your workplace more pleasant and enjoyable. With specialized contractors implementing strategy, you free up your employees to think big and develop innovative initiatives. But if you work in a place with positive attitudes and high spirits, then your hard work will be worth it. So, when a colleague triumphs, it should be celebrated. It takes constant work to maintain a dynamic company culture. While everyone is out, have the office freshly painted with bright colors. Individuals experience higher morale when employers appreciate them as people first and employees second. You could also build naps into your work from home policy. Consider paying for or subsidizing transportation, technology, gym memberships, or childcare. You work from a place within. That said, it’s important to recognize people the right way—you shouldn’t just hand out meaningless compliments. It will give them some­thing to look for­ward to and get their endor­phins flow­ing, which is a great way for them to bond. But it goes deeper. Co-workers like to hear... 2. Keeping employee morale high: A challenge during COVID-19 As cases of COVID-19 increase, so do feelings of doubt and anxiety among workers. Workplace morale is just as important as a paycheck. Rather, it is the small things that make workers feel commitment to an organization. Here are some fun ways to boost morale. Some companies try to break the mold by offering unlimited vacation days, but that's not necessarily a solution either. From one another for their hard work, we all work hard let know! 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