Debates about the African integration agenda and indeed Africa’s strategy for integration into the global economy are emerging from these negotiations, which are still ongoing. It implies the elimination of economic boarders between countries. Although there is a single tariff on goods entering an EU country, once in the market, no additional tariffs or taxes can be levied on the goods.“Basic Information on the European Union,” Europa, accessed April 30, 2011, Economic integration has been one of the main economic developments affecting international trade in the last years. In fact, CEFTA has served as a preparation for full EU membership and a large proportion of CEFTA foreign trade is with EU countries. It’s easy to see how complicated the relationships can be with just one trading bloc. The World Bank Group helps its client countries to promote regional integration through common physical and institutional infrastructure. Regional integration is an arrangement where countries in the same region enter into an agreement to enhance economic cooperation through agreed institutions and rules, focused on removing barriers to free trade in the region, increasing the free movement of people, labour, goods, and capital across national borders. A year before the official signing, the Dominican Republic joined the negotiations, and the agreement was renamed CAFTA-DR.“Dominican Republic–Central America–United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR),”, accessed April 30, 2011, “An economically stronger Taiwan would not only gain clout with the mainland but also have more money to entice allies other than the 23 nations around the globe that currently recognize the island as an independent state. Q: What is the rationale behind regional economic and financial integration? For example, the United Kingdom voted in 2016 to leave the EU, which will impact British trade and immigration. Economic integration. Mohsin Khan, “The GCC Monetary Union: Choice of Exchange Rate Regime,” Peterson Institute for International Economics, April 2009, accessed April 30, 2011, Nadim Kawach, “Unrest Will Not Affect GCC Monetary Union: Bahrain Central Bank Governor Says Union Remains Open for Other Members,”. In 2009, ASEAN and India also signed the ASEAN–India Free Trade Agreement (FTA). 8). In the past decade, there has been an increase in these trading blocs with more than one hundred agreements in place and more in discussion. Free trade and movement of goods, services, capital, and factors of production allow for the most efficient use of resources. In the context of globalization, regional economic integration and cooperation processes have become increasingly important in recent years. The process of regional integration has led to the creation of the European Union. Originally, the agreement (then called the Central America Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA) encompassed discussions between the US and the Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Forced to compete with large multinationals and Mexican conglomerates, many traditional family-owned firms have had to close because they were unable to compete in the global marketplace. Regional economic integration has enabled countries to focus on issues that are relevant to their stage of development as well as encourage trade between neighbors. The entire history of the transformation of the EEC to the EU has been an evolutionary process. However, more than regional, WTO has a global perspective. Eventually Chile dropped out, while Venezuela joined for about twenty years and left in 2006. Free trade area. This is slowly changing, spurred in part by an aggressive cadre of young professionals who pursued graduate education in the United States. Many groups within a country do not accept the case for integration, especially those that are likely to be hurt or those that feel that sovereignty and individual discretion will be reduced. For example, Canada has always been concerned about being dominated by its southern neighbor, and Britain is very hesitant to give much control to European bureaucrats. There are four main types of regional economic integration. GATT and WTO are the biggest association of more than 140 member countries, which strive to reduce the barriers. Furthermore, a primary goal for the development of the EU was that Europeans realized that they needed a larger trading platform to compete against the US and the emerging markets of China and India. [Charles Wyplosz] The general rationale is that when countries integrate themselves, they provide “favours” resulting in wider and better opportunities for all and similarly, borrowers can tap the world pool of savings and they are supposed to benefit from that. Today, sixteen member countries use the the euro. Over the first decade of the agreement, almost all tariffs between Mexico, Canada, and the United States were phased out. The healthy effects of such a regional economic integration are presumed to be as follows: 1. Trade barriers can be tariffs (taxes imposed on imports to a country), quotas (a limit to the amount of a product that can be imported) and border restrictions. The reason: clothing prices have fallen, exports have increased, and sales to apparel factories have surged. Member countries remove all barriers to trade between themselves but are free to independently determine trade policies with nonmember nations. Businesses have to monitor and navigate these evolving trade agreements to make sure that one or more agreements don’t negatively impact their businesses in key countries. Regional economic integration is when exists a trade agreement between countries within a region that agree to lower tariffs and regulations with each other; in some cases they may agree to trade some items exclusively. In the years following the Chiapas uprising, poverty in southern Mexico has risen to about 40 percent, while in the north, poverty has decreased thanks to closer economic links with the United States.CultureQuest Doing Business in Mexico (New York: Atma Global, 2011). This is the most basic form of economic cooperation. Economists argue that free trade zones are particularly suited to African countries which were created under colonial occupation when land was divided up, often with little regard for the economic sustainability of the newly created plot. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In Mexico, patience and the willingness to wait are still highly valued—and necessary—in business transactions. Their licenses helped make this book available to you. (Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands), all of which signed a treaty to run their coal and steel industries under a common management. Economic integration. It will boost the current $110 billion bilateral trade between both sides. Signed in 1991 and implemented in 1994, it provides for a staged integration of the regional economic agreements. Fixing the EU’s banking system is particularly tricky, because sixteen of the twenty-seven countries share the euro currency and a central bank, but banking regulation mostly remains under the control of the national governments.Liz Alderman, “Contemplating the Future of the European Union,” New York Times, February 13, 2010, accessed April 30, 2011, Andean Community of Nations—Andean Pact website, accessed April 30, 2011. The scale of business has changed as well. Chile was originally supposed to be part of NAFTA in 1994, but President Clinton was hampered by Congress in his ability to formalize that decision.David A. Sanger, “Chile Is Admitted as North American Free Trade Partner,” New York Times, December 12, 1994, accessed April 30, 2011, Many Canadian and US companies have chosen to locate their manufacturing or production facilities in Mexico rather than Asia, which was geographically far from their North American bases. The healthy effects of such a regional economic integration are presumed to be as follows: 1. There are several stages in the process of economic integration, from a very loose association of countries in a preferential trade area, to complete economic integration, where the economies of member countries are completely integrated. For example, this origin of content rule has ensured that cheap Asian manufacturers wouldn’t negotiate lower tariffs with one NAFTA country, such as Mexico, and dump cheap products into Canada and the United States. A global firm with operations in North America, the EU, and Asia could easily find itself at the crosshairs of competing trade interests. Economic integration has been one of the main economic developments affecting international trade in the last years. The GCC has become as much a political organization as an economic one. Regional economic integration is an agreement among countries in a geographic region to reduce and ultimately remove, tariff and non tariff barriers to the free flow of goods or services and factors of production among each others. The United States, as the largest country member in NAFTA, won’t give up its rights to independently determine its economic and trade policies. MERCOSUR constituents compose nearly half of the wealth created in all of Latin America as well as 40 percent of the population. Start studying International Business Chapter 9: Regional Economic Integration. The economic case for integration has been largely presented in the previous chapters. While it is hard for 100 countries to agree on something, (e.g. European Commission, “Andean Community Regional Strategy Paper 2007–2013,” December 4, 2007, accessed April 30, 2011. “Dominican Republic–Central America–United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR),”, accessed April 30, 2011. “What Is CAFTA?,” CAFTA Intelligence Center, accessed April 30, 2011. 2… Economic … Customs Unions 3. With this treaty, the EU identified three aims. This is the most basic form of economic cooperation. G-20 Workshop on regional economic integration in a global framework that took place in Beijing on 22-23 September 2004. Now the world’s fourth-largest trading bloc after the EU, NAFTA, and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN),Joanna Klonsky and Stephanie Hanson, “Mercosur: South America’s Fractious Trade Bloc,” Council on Foreign Relations, August 20, 2009, accessed April 30, 2011, For a variety of reasons—from geography and language to well-developed business and family connections—this is a role that Florida has been playing very successfully for a number of years and which, with the implementation of CAFTA-DR, is only gaining in importance.Enterprise Florida, “Your Business: International,” The CAFTA Intelligence Center, accessed December 30, 2010, Although it is the poorest state in Mexico, Chiapas has the richest natural resources, including oil, minerals, and electrical power. Economic integration, or regional integration, is an agreement among nations to reduce or eliminate trade barriers and agree on fiscal policies. More than this, the integration is helping transform national relations among South American nations and with the world as a whole, forging a new sense of shared leadership and shared purpose, which is sending ripples of hope across the continent and beyond. Because the EU’s $18.4 trillion economy makes up 30 percent of the world economy, its poor prospects are likely to rebound on the United States, Asia, and other regions.“Staring into the Abyss,” Economist, July 8, 2010, accessed December 28, 2010, Identify the major regional economic areas of cooperation. Regional Economic Integration means agreements between groups of countries in a geographic region to reduce and ultimately remove tariff and non-tariff barriers for the free flow of goods, services and factors of production between each other. The second impediment to integration arises from concerns over national sovereignty. For more information on the source of this book, or why it is available for free, please see the project's home page. There are four main types of regional economic integration. Surging trade, rising investment, and expanding output are the economic indicators that point to the group’s remarkable achievement. Q: What is the rationale behind regional economic and financial integration? There are four main types of regional economic integration. Further, having a single currency makes pricing more transparent and consistent between countries and markets. Free trade and movement of goods, services, capital, and factors of production allow for the most efficient use of resources. However, the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993 stands out as an important moment; it’s when the real economic union was created. While NAFTA clearly advanced the goals of free trade, global businesses are often forced to deal with local economic, political, and social realities within a country. This encourages investment within the trade zone and … Figure 5.3 Countries in the EU (as of May 1, 2011). Definition of economic integration The combination of several national economies into a larger territorial unit. ASEAN represents nearly 600 million people and a combined GDP of USD $1.5 trillion across Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. There’s no longer a currency–exchange rate risk, and the elimination of the need to convert currencies within euro markets reduces transaction costs. According to Europa, which is the official website of the EU (, the EU member states have formed a single market with more than five hundred million people, representing 7 percent of the world’s population. Trades in different countries have certain restrictions as well as some tariffs, which can be issued in a very discriminatory manner for sure. This content was accessible as of December 29, 2012, and it was downloaded then by Andy Schmitz in an effort to preserve the availability of this book. The workshop provided a review of recent developments in regional integration as part of the ongoing process of globalisation and confirmed the policy relevance of this topic for the G-20. The US–ASEAN Business Council is the premiere advocacy organization for U.S. corporations operating within the dynamic Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). A large number of Mexicans are concerned that wealth is distributed more unevenly than ever. While other countries and the EU have ongoing dialogues with ASEAN, the US–ASEAN Business Council is the most formal approach. In 1957, the six nations signed the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community (EEC) and created a common market between the members. It’s likely that any resulting agreements will have to reconcile differences in rules and regulations with NAFTA as well as any other existing agreements.“What Is CAFTA?,” CAFTA Intelligence Center, accessed April 30, 2011, The biggest advantage of EU membership is the monetary union. Normally, the author and publisher would be credited here. The Mexican economy has undergone dramatic changes during the last decade and a half as the country has become integrated into the global marketplace. agreements between countries in a geographic region to reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and factors of production between each other. The European Economic Area (EEA) was established on January 1, 1994, following an agreement between the member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the EC (later the EU). The political case for integration has two main points: (1) by linking countries together, making them more dependent on each other, and forming a structure where they regularly have to interact, the likelihood of violent conflict and war will decrease. Shortly after it was approved and implemented, the United States started to negotiate a similar agreement with Mexico. For international companies looking to access these markets, the United States, recognized worldwide for its stable regulatory and legal framework and for its robust infrastructure, is the most logical place to set up operations. All of the Visegrad Group have relatively developed free-market economies and have formal ties.“About the Visegrad Group,” International Visegrad Fund, accessed December 30, 2010, There are higher requirements for footwear and cars. The African Economic Community (AEC) has more member countries than the EU, NAFTA, and APEC but represents a substantially smaller portion of global trade than these other cooperatives. NAFTA’s rules ensure that a foreign exporter won’t just ship to the NAFTA country with the lowest tariff for nonmember countries. The first was to establish a single, common currency, which went into effect in 1999. The case on NAFTA and the US Textile Industry shows that although the effects of NAFTA have hurt employment in the US textile industry, the overall effect has actually been positive. Regional Economic Integration International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 2 Learning Objectives 1.Regional integration and economic blocs 2.Types of regional integration 3.Leading economic blocs 4.Why countries pursue regional integration 5.Success factors for regional integration 6.Drawbacks and ethical dilemmas of However, the publisher has asked for the customary Creative Commons attribution to the original publisher, authors, title, and book URI to be removed. Louise Greenwood, “Q&A: Free Trade Zones in Africa,” BBC Africa Business Report. First, although economic integration benefits the majority, it has its costs. Switzerland has also chosen to not join the EU, although it is part of similar bilateral agreements. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was created in 1967 by five founding-member countries: Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines. Regional economic Integration refers to cooperation between various countries of a particular region in order to develop that particular area. Successive governments have instituted far-reaching economic reforms, which have had a major impact on the way business is conducted. The main areas of potential There are four main types of economic integration: Free trade area is the most basic form of economic cooperation. When it was introduced, NAFTA was highly controversial, particularly in the United States, where many felt it would send US jobs to Mexico. In the 1980s, Mexico had tariffs as high as 100 percent on select goods. There are two main impediments(obstacles) to integration: (1) there are always painful adjustments, and groups that are likely to be directly hurt by integration will lobby hard to prevent losses. Free trade.Tariffs (a tax imposed on imported goods) between member countries are significantly reduced, some abolished altogether. This is “Regional Economic Integration”, section 5.2 from the book Challenges and Opportunities in International Business (v. 1.0). It is designed to make the EU more democratic, efficient, and transparent and to tackle global challenges, such as climate change, security, and sustainable development. China is eager for Hong Kong and Taiwan to serve as gateways to its massive market. The EPA negotiations revealed important gaps between political ambitions and economic reality in African regional integration. It’s important to remember several distinctions. The European Union (EU) is the most integrated form of economic cooperation. By entering into regional agreements, groups of countries aim to reduce trade barriers more rapidly than can be achieved under WTO. APEC is the only regional trading group that uses the term member economies, rather than countries, in deference to China. Several regional agreements function as pillars of the AEC:Wikipedia, s.v. For details on it (including licensing), click here. A trade bloc is basically a free-trade zone, or near-free-trade zone, formed by one or more tax, tariff, and trade agreements between two or more countries. Whether the EU, with its significant cultural and language differences in neighboring countries, can achieve similar benefits remains to be seen. Taiwan was allowed to join the forum, but only under the name Chinese Taipei.Sanjyot P. Dunung, Doing Business in Asia: The Complete Guide, 2nd ed. Ambitiously, in 2017 and after, the AEC intends to foster the creation of a free-trade zone and customs union in its regional blocs. The opening case study addressed some of the current challenges the EU is facing as a result of the impact of these aims. This is important to understand the big picture presented by the interaction between internal and external forces, which have an impact on project success and/or failure. At the same time, the army continues to exert tight control over the state, particularly in and around towns where residents are known to support the rebels. This trading bloc had limited impact for the first two decades of its existence but has experienced a renewal of interest after MERCOSUR’s implementation. Trade creation occurs when low cost producers within the free trade area replace high cost domestic producers. Some of the regional blocs also created side agreements with other regional groups leading to a web of trade agreements and understandings. Companies that choose to manufacture in one country find it easier and cheaper to move goods between member countries in that trading bloc without incurring tariffs or additional regulations. This book is licensed under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0 license. Once highly protected, Mexico is now open for business. Trade diversion occurs when higher cost suppliers within the free trade area replace lower cost external suppliers. What Should You Include in a Companies Operating Agreement? The low standard of living in Chiapas and of Indians throughout Mexico remains a significant challenge for the Mexican government. Since the mid-1960s, production facilities known as maquiladoras have been a regular feature of Mexican border towns, especially along the Texas and New Mexico borders. As you learned in the opening case study, the EU originally began in 1950 to end the frequent wars between neighboring countries in the Europe. In the opening case study, you read about the pressures on the EU and the resistance by each of the governments in Europe to make policy adjustments to address the recession. (2) concerns about loss of sovereignty and control over domestic interests. Economic cooperation or integration may take any one or a combination of any of the following forms: (i) Economic Union, (ii) Customs Union, (iii) Free Trade Area, (iv) Sectoral or Partial Integration, (v) Preferential Trading, (vi) Long-term Trade Agreements. Since its creation, the GCC has contributed not only to the expansion of trade but also to the development of its countries and the welfare of its citizens, as well as promoting peace and stability in the region.Nadim Kawach, “Unrest Will Not Affect GCC Monetary Union: Bahrain Central Bank Governor Says Union Remains Open for Other Members,” Emirates 24/7, March 12, 2011, accessed April 30, 2011, While a set of nations as a whole may benefit significantly from a regional free trade agreement, certain groups may lose. Regional economic integration has enabled countries to focus on issues that are relevant to their stage of development as well as encourage trade between neighbors. US multinational companies, such as John Deere, Zenith, Mattel, and Xerox, run the majority of the more than 3,600 maquiladoras in northern Mexico. 1. free trade area. The economic case for integration has been largely presented in the previous chapters. It shows how the EU can come out stronger from this crisis and how it can be turned into a smart, sustainable, and inclusive economy delivering high levels of employment, productivity, and social cohesion. Free trade area. It topped $1 trillion in 2008.”Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, “Fast Facts: North American Free Trade Agreement,” December 15, 2009, accessed December 30, 2010, Understand regional economic integration. For a list of ongoing ASEAN relationships with key trading partners, visit Given its broader membership than ASEAN, APEC has found good success—once its member countries agree. Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat website, accessed April 30, 2011. For example, consider how … In all, more than two thousand companies headquartered outside the United States operate in Florida. However, only partial accords have been reached between the government and the peasants. Focused primarily on economic growth and cooperation, the regional group has met with success in liberalizing and promoting free trade as well as facilitating business, economic, and technical cooperation between member economies. Countries have wanted to engage in economic cooperation to use their respective resources more effectively and to provide large markets for member-countries of the resulting integrated areas. In 2008, the GCC formed a common market, enabling free flow of trade, investment, and workers.P. challenges of African regional integration. MERCOSUR is committed to the consolidation of democracy and the maintenance of peace throughout the southern cone. The notion of regional economic integration is becoming increasingly important as countries strive to work together better and become more productive. As a political and economic organization, the group focuses on trade, economic, and social issues.Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf website, accessed April 30, 2011, The Europe 2020 strategy put forth by the European Commission sets out a vision of the EU’s social market economy for the twenty-first century. Your email address will not be published. The Andean Community (called the Andean Pact until 1996)Andean Community of Nations—Andean Pact website, accessed April 30, 2011, This was shocking not only to Mexico’s leadership but to the international community. You can browse or download additional books there. NAFTA has added to the already-strong US influence on Mexico’s corporate and business practices. It includes economic integration of various trading areas of different countries. Canadian and US consumers have benefited from the lower-cost Mexican agricultural products. The second was to set up monetary and fiscal targets for member countries. For example, it has taken stride to reach agreements between Brazil and Argentina in the nuclear field.Joanna Klonsky and Stephanie Hanson, “Mercosur: South America’s Fractious Trade Bloc,” Council on Foreign Relations, August 20, 2009, accessed April 30, 2011, Perhaps the best example of the benefits of economic integration and political union is the USA. “About the US–ASEAN Business Council,” US–ASEAN Business Council, accessed December 31, 2010, Challenges and Opportunities in International Business,, &source=bl&ots=iohSe7YV0E&sig=BjQr2KOx0lsrAGhv5vMqeb9LhFU&hl=en&ei=hLu8 TZ3LPNDAgQeZusjqBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CDoQ6A EwBQ#v=onepage&q=will%20chile%20join%20nafta%202009&f=false,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, =en&override=Articles+%3E+The+Bonds+between+the+GCC+and+EU+Grow+ Deeper&sec=Contents&frm_title=&book_id=69542,§ion=0&article=105173&d=1&m=1&y=2008,,,, Lisbon, which can be issued in a certain geographic area are integrated... 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