he returned, inquiringly. Thanks, I know we can count on you, Katie, but I think she'll be more comfortable staying at our house. Two examples of phrases are: “After dinner” “Waiting for the rain to stop”. In spite of the lapse of years, they seem so close to me that I should not think it strange if at any moment they should clasp my hand and speak words of endearment as they used to before they went away. Leading such a life I can't decide or think properly about anything. "And what do you think of this latest comedy, the coronation at Milan?" I'm not sure, but I think it's going to be fun finding out. I think it will be difficult to return to the old regime. And what in the world makes you think that? Indeed, I think I made more progress in German than in any of my other studies. When used properly, they can add depth to our writing. Think about this: Nearly four million exajoules of energy is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, oceans, and land each year. I think he figures Brandon's into a good thing and he wants to share. Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates! And I think that helps explain why no one quite foresaw the rise of the Internet: because it doesn't have an offline corollary of its own. I think to the extent the data is not identifiable to a person and is only used to make suggestions to others, people will participate. These writing activities will help you create a topic sentence, body sentences, and an ending sentence. As for example sentences, use 有道,a dictionary you can find on Microsoft Store. In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. I hope you think about me and love me because I am a good little child. Signal words tomorrow next month in a month next week Structure / Formula Positive Sentences Use this structure to make affirmative sentences. I think we will learn to conquer distance though a method of which we cannot yet conceive. It makes me feel small when you keep things from me - like you don't trust me, or you think I'm not mature enough to handle it. Just about time I think the two of you are making progress, something like this comes up. "I wouldn't think of acting like a man," she answered flippantly. No, it's no one my family knew but I think the change will be good for me. I think that we may safely trust a good deal more than we do. Will future expresses a spontaneous decision, an assumption with regard to the future or an action in the future that cannot be influenced.. Form of will Future think verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons. Definition: A simple sentence with just a subject and verb (independent clause) Examples: The boy is hungry. 6. I think you're the most perfect person I've ever met. “Will” is a really common word in the English language, and used in lots of different ways. The drive home provided opportunity to think. As people were dying in large numbers around them, officials did not think to save them. That said, if I had to pick one function I think the Internet will turn out to "be," it is this: The Internet will become a repository and a set of applications for storing the sum total of all life experiences of all people on earth. It’s usually a word you hear when you’re talking about the future – but it can also have other uses too! How to Write a Sentence. Al Pacino will win the award for Best Actor. 5. Grammar. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "I THEREFORE THINK THAT" - english-finnish translations and search engine for english translations. I don't think so, and I'll explain why with another thought experiment. In traditional academia (that word makes me want to vomit), there is a writing technique called the hook sentence. Mary likes tea. Let's take a look at some common complex sentence examples pertaining to everyday life. Why are people so quick to vilify those on the "other side" of the issue—and why do we even think in terms of sides? Eliminate each redundant word. I think you're the one who is placing the blame on yourself. I don't think she has a clue how irresistible men find her. Examples of congratulation in a sentence, how to use it. I think there ought to be some better way of moving a boat. 255 118 If he does not take the inheritance, we will not have a home. And to think it is Cyril Vladimirovich Bezukhov's son who amuses himself in this sensible manner! thoughts of very intelligent people are similar to each other; intelligent people come up with the same ideas at the same time; used playfully to imply that two people have the same views; Example Sentences. They'd think we burned the supplies, like you said. A well-written sentence is the foundation for both good writing and good written communication. Maybe you think the British ban on fox hunting with dogs is ridiculous. The sentence is trying to express the following: Single soldiers, as well as married soldiers and their families, reside in the complex. asked Pierre. He remembered a general impression of the misfortunes and sufferings of people and of being worried by the curiosity of officers and generals who questioned him, he also remembered his difficulty in procuring a conveyance and horses, and above all he remembered his incapacity to think and feel all that time. 2. It was unrealistic to think two people could spend a lifetime together and never squabble about anything. "I did not think of his wound," Felipa admitted. Add to list. Don’t phone her now, she’ll be busy. Examples: I think United will win the game. He had used her and she had been fool enough to think he was actually interested in her. I think the technological leap beyond the next one will take us to the stars. Synonym Discussion of think. Te cuento mi experiencia! But sometimes I also do the “sculpting”, when I wasn’t able to identify main words in my head. I do not know why a certain event occurs; I think that I cannot know it; so I do not try to know it and I talk about chance. I can't remember the name of it, but I think I would have remembered North Street. Exercises on Future I Simple with will. So busy was he with the drawing that he did not think of anything else. Although a majority of caffeine drinkers think of it as a stimulant, heavy users of … I’ll take I think sometimes you forget that you're my employer. How long did he think he could hide them - or avoid them, for that matter? To offer to do something. Consider definition is - to think about carefully: such as. If you didn’t have repetition in music, it would all just be noise. Simple future tense is used to express the actions in the future. Rewrite them, but this time add a semicolon and another closely related independent clause at the end to form a compound sentence (sentence pattern #2). "You think he is handsome," Dulce continued, "and you love him. You might think that you'll be stuck with sushi and salad on your west coast visit, but think again, there's really something for everyone. If a man should walk through this town and see only the reality, where, think you, would the "Mill-dam" go to? To bring in new members, we have to be willing to try innovative ideas and think outside the box . There was no reason for him to think his father might be romantically interested in her. I think a few days cleaning in the stable would pay for it. "That I have forgotten," replied the Gump's Head, "and I do not think it is of much importance. He was very proud to think of this, and he wished that he might grow up to be like them. voices in the crowd were heard saying more and more frequently. The examples below have on average 9 words per sentence, making them easy to read. It was all so fast that she didn't have time to think. Do you think Brazil will win the World Cup? (going to) Will expresses a future fact; going to is used to describe something is about to happen. "I think I will give them to our friends," said Cyrus. He wished to help her and say something pleasant, but could think of nothing to say. To think of the right to life as somehow different than a right to food is hard for me. Still, don't you think we should get to know each other a little better? This paragraph has a mix of simple and complex sentences and therefore satisfies the marking criteria. 99 examples: Express and respond to compliments and congratulations. I think I hear someone coming down the hall. In fact, I think my big mouth made him all the more determined. Cleft comes from the verb to cleave, meaning to divide into two. Don’t phone her now, she’ll be busy. A sentence is the largest unit of any language.In English, it begins with a capital letter and ends with a full-stop, or a question mark, or an exclamation mark. "What do you think of this?" If you are promising to do something in the near future, then you can use “will” in a similar way – in this case, this show that you are definitely planning on doing the action – and it’s not just a suggestion, so only use it when you mean it! The subject of a sentence is the noun, pronoun, or phrase or clause the sentence is about: Einstein’s general theory of relativity has been subjected to many tests of validity over the years. "You think he went off just by chance?" I think you've been putting in too many hours lately. When we consider the costs of all the wrong decisions ever made—a calculation I don't even know how to approach—we will think of it as a diminishing problem receding into the past. "It is well," said he, "that neither a merchant nor a fisherman shall have it; for such men think only of their business and care really nothing for beauty.". It was like Allen to think only of himself. Find sentence examples at Your Dictionary. She stammered, trying to think of an excuse why she couldn't go. If I went up there, he'd think just like you are. In each example, the independent clause is underlined. If you think about it, it is hard to come up with an exception. The following examples have similar diction but different syntax. 6. As nice as it would be for the Japan strategy to work in the developing world, I don't think these countries can count on it. I think it's highly likely - especially given the circumstances. “Will not” becomes “won’t” and is used in the same way. 100,000+ Designs, Documents Templates in PDF, Word, Excel, PSD, Google Docs, PowerPoint, InDesign, Apple Pages, Google Sheets, Publisher, Apple Numbers, Illustrator, Keynote. I didn't think about how it might affect you if I got hurt out there. I think we are still at the donkey stage—and this is good news! However, each sentence uses different diction (word choice). When we think of decoding the genome, we typically think in terms of the human genome. Instead, we can think of it as many cuisines that all exist simultaneously--from fish to beef to rice and beans, from root vegetables to tropical fruit. Do you mean you have only the HSK 6 vocab in Chinese, or you found a version with English explanations? ★ The result is an “I think” statement: 猫は可愛いと思います (Neko wa kawaii to omoimasu) – I think cats are cute. "Yes, I think so," said Princess Mary with a smile. You do not use “not” after the additional verb. But he did not wish the little girl to think him a coward, so he advanced slowly to the edge of the roof. Examples: The sun will rise tomorrow. I don't even think he realizes we're females. First, many things in the physical world that we think of as scarce are not really scarce, just presently beyond our ability to capture. Whenever prices goes up, customers buy less products. I think her biggest fear was that she'd lose him. Be concise. As a matter of fact, I think we're on completely different planets. But we take it largely for granted—and I think that is just fine. Then, think about how far we have come in the last fifty years. said a comrade, who was on the staff that evening, to the officer of the Horse Guards, referring to Ermolov. Just think of each part by itself, and make one of them negative, the same way you always make sentences negative. Conjugation. I think maybe Alex married you to get away from his family. Synonym Discussion of consider. The later is easily found online. As I understand your present life, I think you will always recall it with satisfaction, because the self-sacrifice that fills it now... And all Nicholas did was fruitful--probably just because he refused to allow himself to think that he was doing good to others for virtue's sake. Do you think Jonathan might feel left out when the new baby comes? "So you think we shall win tomorrow's battle?" Maybe they would both think about it before they jumped at each other next time - especially in front of the children. I think I do mostly the other way round: From main words to whole sentence. To make predictions about the present. She looked at him and did not think, but felt, about something different. Translation. Try to think of the advances we have seen so far in history as the very tip of the iceberg, a hint of what is possible, not even being within sight of what is possible. How could he think she would go along with something so criminal? I don't think you're as afraid of me as you are of your own feelings. Think over definition: If you think something over , you consider it carefully before making a decision . You do this by replacing the word “will” with the following form: “ +’ll”. I think the best thing to do is try to remember all the good times you had. "I think they wanted some privacy," Adrienne finally said. I think that's why Alex feels the way he does about money. When he did so and heard the subdued moaning with which Karataev generally lay down at the halting places, and when he smelled the odor emanating from him which was now stronger than before, Pierre moved farther away and did not think about him. From those adventures, though, I did learn (the hard way) to think ahead about what could possibly go wrong. Who do you think makes more money: the person who hauls bricks on his back or the person who operates the forklift that moves the bricks? For example, in the positive form it would be written as “I will be coming for dinner.”, In the negative, it would be “I will not be coming for dinner” – not “I will be not coming for dinner.”. The Romans answered, We must have time to think of this matter. When was he going to Petersburg and would he mind taking a parcel for someone?--he replied: "Yes, perhaps," or, "I think so," and so on. Financially, they think it's a sound move to have four people share the rent. I don't know what the odds are, but I figure god is responsible for both - don't you think? All I could think about was that I had a living father-in-law. said he to Denisov. Len, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were jealous. In the first paragraph of an essay, you will generally give examples first and then put the thesis sentence at the end of the paragraph. What Makes a Simple Sentence? If you have used “be” in a sentence where “will” is used positively, then you simply add the negative word, “not” after “will”. See examples of I think that in English. A day later, the system will ask, "Hey, what did you think of Tommaso's?". "I cannot think of leaving these little things here to be trampled upon," said the general. EXAMPLES-- I am learning Chinese painting; last Friday I learned to paint a sparrow. The officer appeared abashed, as though he understood that one might think of how many men would be missing tomorrow but ought not to speak of it. Did he think the rules were only for the others? Would you like to get language learning tips sent straight to your inbox? I didn't think I had a chance of getting someone like you to sit for me. How to use i don't think in a sentence. Writing the Topic Sentence Your narrative paragraph should begin with a topic sentence. i hope it went well. Compound Complex Sentences Examples . For example, “They won’t be going on holiday this year.”. Well, great minds think alike! I think this is the loveliest country in the world; but not being fairies Jim and I feel we ought to be where we belong--and that's at the ranch. Here are number of sentence examples for THINK, quoted from best-selling authors and written by best-selling authors. The man who worked most with his hands could not think so much about what he was doing, or reflect on or command what would result from the common activity; while the man who commanded more would evidently work less with his hands on account of his greater verbal activity. "When pigs fly! Do you think he's involved in something bad? Why would you think I was talking about Dulce? But I think Julie is right about one thing. exact ( 11 ) antonyms. "Mary, dear, I think he is asleep--he was so tired," said Sonya, meeting her in the large sitting room (it seemed to Countess Mary that she crossed her path everywhere). Don't you think that was more than a little distracting? i think it sat well. Premium. I should think the wonderful rhythmical flow of lines and curves could be more subtly felt than seen. " When pigs fly! Examples of high priority in a sentence, how to use it. I don't think local customs and national characteristics will go away. You would think the women had spread out their linen, said one of the men, gazing with admiration at the Milky Way. When you think about it, the subordinate clause is what makes the sentence ‘complex’. Most effective sentences are concise, conveying their meaning in as few words as possible. What was this sudden obsession with her ability to run the ranch, and what made him think she was qualified? Every sentence should provide clear and complete information. As a historian, I know it has been the vanity of every age to think it represents a high point in history. If you think "Western Medicine" is a business whose goal is to keep you sick to sell you medicines, you will tend to move away from genetically modified foods and favor organic. I don't think there is an extensible life-lesson here. Then you do not think, like some others, that we must retreat? Examples have not been reviewed. Schell regards sensors largely in terms of gameplay—but for our purposes, think of them passively logging your life. Now, to explain why I think Chad will be getting a better job anyway. Who do you think you are, telling me to shut up? He was probably too shocked to think of that yet, but it would come. If you are talking about the future and considering what you think is likely to happen, then using “will” is a good way of expressing the likelihood of it occurring. But when the farm of tomorrow delivers on this holistic promise, I think all people will embrace it. Before you commit to a number, think of this. How to use think in a sentence. I like coffee. "No," she replied, "I think not; but children learn better if they write about things that concern them personally.". Think about it this way: All the technology accumulated from the dawn of time to today has given us a certain amount of processing power. She let the conversation drop that night, but early the next morning Dulce caught him in the hallway and it was clear that she didn't think anything was settled. Natasha as usual answered before she had time to think what she would say. How many do you think there are now—ten, twenty, fifty million? However, I don't think finding these solutions means an end to all our troubles. I think it is so cute the way you two flirt with each other. Pronunciation. 4. Alex said it might not have made any difference, and reminded her that she needed to think positive. I'm sorry, sweetheart, but at least for now, I think it's better that you're not involved. For example, “I will catch the bus to work.”. What do you two think you're doing out here in the dark? 4 The man the professor the student has studies Rome. I think it will rain tomorrow. Yeah, I think it's more like a miniature rodeo. 10. All Rights Reserved - I am grateful for the… 3. Maybe you will agree it to be possible, but after reading this chapter, you will likely think it is improbable. The sentence is generally defined as a word or a group of words that expresses a thorough idea by giving a … Dictionary. Just let me know if something comes up and you think I need to come home. You use "come to think of it in response to something that someone asked you: A: If you hear of anyone that's hiring, let me know. At worst... she didn't want to think about that. Learning how to construct a complete sentence is a necessary skill that one needs to possess. 6. "I can't think what the servants are about," said the countess, turning to her husband. 5. Did she think Giddon had other reasons for bringing a young girl into the house? If I didn't know you better, I'd swear you didn't think your mother was worth the cost. I think it will rain tomorrow. I don't think that I deserved the punishment I got. I think the future I describe is pretty secure. They all knew very well that the enchanting countess' illness arose from an inconvenience resulting from marrying two husbands at the same time, and that the Italian's cure consisted in removing such inconvenience; but in Anna Pavlovna's presence no one dared to think of this or even appear to know it. You think things over for a long time before you make decisions – even in small matters. What makes you think I'm qualified for the job? Effective sentences stress the main point or the most important I was more interested, I think, in the great rock on which the Pilgrims landed than in anything else in Plymouth. Now that you know the different sentence types, try writing some yourself. Then the three held a counsel to decide what they should do next, but could think of no way to better their condition. My eyes fill with tears now as I think how my mother pressed me close to her, speechless and trembling with delight, taking in every syllable that I spoke, while little Mildred seized my free hand and kissed it and danced, and my father expressed his pride and affection in a big silence. But I think it's important that we're both aware of what's going on, don't you? You would at least be seeing somebody, and I think it must be dull for you only seeing us. Future 1 Simple (will), Erläuterung und Übungen Exercises on Future I Simple with will Will future expresses a spontaneous decision, an assumption with regard to the future or an action in the future that cannot be influenced. How to use think in a sentence. He wasn't impervious to harm, much as he might think so. So, what do your parents think of this arrangement. For example, It will be summer soon. For a writer, communicating the meaning may be more important than grammatical accuracy - especially in … I think helping Lisa has made me realize that one person can make a difference. "Come to think of it" means something like "Here's something I just thought." I think what I feel is none of your business. I think I shall keep this Wizard until a new Sorcerer is ready to pick, for he seems quite skillful and may be of use to us. We have fallen into the habit of anthropomorphizing computers and robots for a simple reason: The more we program them to do things that we presently do, the more we think of them as being like us. Which of the girls do you think is most qualified to run the ranch? It doesn't matter what the law or the union or their mothers think about it: They can't get a thousand dollars per flip. Do you think everything they have done has been with the single ambition of getting third-party information out of you? 17 examples: An inventory of such institutions is a high priority. The earth goes round the sun. People accustomed to think in that way forget, or do not know, the inevitable conditions which always limit the activities of any commander in chief. Making a first conditional sentence negative is easy. Afterwards when he had received a name and wealth he dared not think of her because he loved her too well, placing her far above everything in the world, and especially therefore above himself. Log in Sign up I think that. We often use the Future Simple tense with the verb to think before it: I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow. He is very busy with Tessa tonight, do you think? A garden-path sentence is a grammatically correct sentence that starts in such a way that a reader's most likely interpretation will be incorrect; the reader is lured into a parse that turns out to be a dead end or yields a clearly unintended meaning. I think it is likely that the answers to almost all our medical problems could be found in the data we may already be collecting. Did he think that it would keep her silent? Suit yourself, but personally, I think it would be good for you to get out a little. i hear it went well. An adverb is a word that is used to change, modify or qualify several types of words including an adjective, a verb, a clause, another adverb, or any other type of word or phrase, with the exception of determiners and adjectives, that directly modify nouns.A good way to understand adverbs is to think about them as the words that provide context. I mean, think about music. In writing and speaking, there are four basic types of sentences that we use: declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory. — "Do you think I'll be able to be a super model one day?" The independent clauses can be joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) or by a semicolon, as you can see in the compound sentence examples below. I personally think the establishment of charitable organizations was driven by the same spirit that drove the creation of new businesses. Think about that: Poverty in the United States is defined as higher than the average income of the planet. I think I will have a holiday next year. I think we've both had a lot on our minds lately. Learn how to use the four sentence types - statement, command, question and exclamation. Examples and Observations "[T]he 2003 election reform law demanded that politicians acknowledge in their own voices their responsibility for advertisements they run on public airwaves. Oh, you think Alex feels like you want his attention all the time? Think definition is - to form or have in the mind. Kids think their parents should work two jobs to pay for their college education. I did not care especially for "The Pilgrim's Progress," which I think I did not finish, or for the "Fables.". Example sentences, on the other hand, perform at least three tasks: They let you check if If the smallpox and polio successes were achieved in a low-tech world, think how much more we can accomplish with vastly improved tools, infrastructure, and communication. Frans Balder always thought of himself as a lousy father. Between finals and her job at the hospital, Adrienne rarely had time to think about it much, though. I think it's time for me to get a new email address. I think I've convinced them that you're a trustworthy soul. But there were more important things to think about at the moment. "But I make you wash it, every time I think of it," said the mother; "for it stands to reason your face is dirty, Ianu, whether I can see it or not.". Privacy Policy. Real sentences showing how to use I think that correctly. Maybe you don't think this deserves its own point. Mary did not go to the party. Dictators may think they can control information access and technology. I can't think of anything offline to compare it to. Do you think Brazil will win the World Cup? I think everyone was guilty of staring at her at least once - if for no other reason, wondering if she was going to fall out of her dress. Will tell you what a word means 've been putting in too many lately... Like to get language learning tips sent straight to your inbox of new businesses think not ''! That could be more subtly felt than seen verb think: indicative, past tense, participle present... I really think but sadly, other people do n't think of myself apart from.... 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